Sunday, 14 March 2010

response - Keira Knightley: Chanel



Keira Knightley's breasts have suddenly acquired a bigger cup size in the new Chanel ad, and everyone is talking about her breasts as if they own them

But even if we are aware of what goes on in the world of showbiz and fashion, that doesn't mean we should be blase about it, or pretend it has nothing to do with us. Being bombarded with perfect images everywhere just makes us despair all the more about our imperfect bodies.

If all those celebrities can't be seen in pictures without being airbrushed, what might the rest of us need before being deemed acceptable to be seen in public? A full body transplant, perhaps.

The only genuine media breakthrough in recent years as far as the portrayal of real women is concerned has been the Dove Campaign For Real Beauty, featuring women of all ages, shapes and sizes.

Vogue is regularly re-touching photos to make the models look larger, she told the designers. But how much larger, I wonder. From a Size Zero to a size 2 or 4 perhaps? The trouble is, when you're talking about Vogue, it's all relative isn't it? In high-end magazines like that, you will rarely see anything so provocative as this new picture of Lizzie Miller.

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